I'm excited about the release of my book, Flash Fiction: Alive in the Flicker, A Portable Workshop. (Open: Journal of Arts & Letters, Buttonhook Press). It was released on Sept. 30, 2022. Here's where you can order it: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737774240/?tag=writingforu0c-20
My book represents over twenty years of research and study of the exciting genre of flash literature. It includes a history of the genre, a serious marketing strategy, several markets for flash fiction, learning to enjoy revision, specific exercises and prompts, and much more. I think you will learn a lot from my book, whether you're a beginner writer or an experienced writer. Be sure to take a peek inside at the Amazon site. Do consider doing a review at the Amazon site, too.
(I'm new at using a web page, in case you can't tell.)
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